A Slump That Knitting Couldn't Get Rid Of

I know that most of you have dealt with overwhelm.  If you haven't, then I am sincerely happy for you. It's not fun when you are in the midst and can't see the silver lining even though you know there is one. 

Overwhelm paralyzes me.  I can't make a good decision if my life depended on it. All the things I enjoy I have thrown to the side only to fill my days with mundane, and nonessential activities.  I wasn't growing into a better version of myself.  

I read a quote that said, " If you aren't growing, you are dead." I know this is true because I felt dead inside.

Okay! Okay!  This isn't an intro that anyone enjoys reading, but it's today's intro.  

I am here to say that if you have been in this place and maybe still here, I am with you.  I am so sorry if you have found yourself here.

Honestly, I am not completely out of the slump.  I take 2 steps forward and 1 back, but I am making progress.

What is the solution to get through this wilderness?  There are probably many techniques that people use.  Sometimes the techniques that once worked don't work anymore.  

Understand this.... Give yourself time and grace to move through it. What are your triggers and figure out why they are shutting you down.  

I can only speak from my experience.  Normally I can knit right through overwhelm.  This time it didn't work.  I gave up knitting for Netflix and Tiktok, not the greatest use of my time.  I knew this wasn't what I wanted to do.  I have goals and dreams I wanted to accomplish and I wasn't making strides towards them.  This bummed me out even more.  

Normally I would try to figure out what was going on.  In this case, I knew I needed to start taking action towards my goals and towards that activities that brought me joy.  

That's what I did.  I started taking action even if it was as small as blogging one line, knitting one row, looking at my dyes and reviewing videos of knitted projects. I slowly started to get out of the pit.  

Not wanting to fall back in the pit, I evaluated what was going on in my life.  What activities brought me joy and what brought me stress.  I am slowly pruning the ones that brought stress.  

I found that my life was full of unfocus. So,  I redefined my life's purpose and focus.  I didn't want to be 10 millions things, but only 1 thing for the life I wanted to create. 

I hope this helps you out, if you are in the same place.

Happy Yarning,




  • thanks so much Joy!! Great seeing you in Leesport. Hope to see you there with your finished project. I can’t wait to see what you make.
    I am so glad I made it through the slump. I am knitting up a Christmas gift storm. IT’s making me so happy.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

    Dawn Shaffer
  • I appreciate your honesty here! I know it’s not easy to do. It was good to see you in Leesport and I look forward to using your yarn that I bought.


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