My Coppenhagen Sweater is Done

My Coppenhagen Sweater is Done

It took awhile for this blue to grow on me.  I am a bit surprised by that.  I usually love any blue especially the cooler hues.  This blue has a bit of purple in it.  

The skeins sat on my shelf at shows and no one picked it up.  I thought it was due to how tonal it was.  It was a difficult dye to work with when I dyed up my natural sheep yarn.  So, I took it off the shelf and put it in my personal stash.  

My baby wanted me to make him another sweater, so it was "kitted" (wound up and stored in a project bag) just for him.  

But the more I looked at the blue the more I loved it.  It was screaming at me to be knit up into a cardigan style sweater.  I said "Okay Coppenhagen.  I will knit you up into thus cardigan, but you will not have any buttons."  

The deal was on.

This sweater took a lot longer to knit up than I thought it would.  See, I thought I had 5 skeins, but I could only find 4.  In went the cute purple drops on the yoke.  The purple accented the purpley blue very well. 



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